Annual Tree Lighting
Traditionally, the Annual West Barnstable Village Tree Lighting is held at 5:00 PM on the first Sunday in December at the West Barnstable Village Green. Friends and neighbors congregate at the tree to sing carols accompanied by trumpeter Jeremy Cadrin, and the arrival of Santa Claus on the West Barnstable fire engine. Immediately following the Tree Lighting, we walk up the path to the historic 1717 Meetinghouse of West Barnstable for The Christmas Story and Carol Sing featuring a living nativity scene, the West Parish Hand Bell Choir, and Donna Murphy on the Mander Organ. This is followed by an informal gathering in Jenkins Hall with lots of good food and friendly people.
This holiday presentation is a collaboration of the West Barnstable Civic Association, the 1717 Meetinghouse Foundation and West Parish of Barnstable, United Church of Christ.
For more information or to volunteer a bit of time, please email Shirley Stolte or Joanne Wallace.